Tuesday, August 19, 2008

For Some People There Is No Hope

This letter to the editor was published in both the Laconia Citizen and the Laconia Daily Sun on Monday, August 18. It was submitted by Jack Stephenson of Gilford and has prompted outrage throughout the community.

Many have vowed to write letters in response for publication in the two newspapers. As I receive them, I'll be posting them on the blog.

Meanwhile, feel free to leave your comments. I realize that it requires a good deal of restraint to remain civil in light of these kinds of attacks, and I'm hardly one to lecture people about responding with anger. As many of you remember, I was quite forceful in my rebuke of local talk show host Niel Young a couple of years ago while I was still an editor at the Daily Sun.

Nevertheless, I ask that you avoid profanity and consider the source. His message sucks, but not nearly so much as he does.

The Letter

To The Editor,

It is clear that IF we all had the knowledge about Obama which we have heard since he got the "nomination" (not confirmed until their convention), Hillary would be the Democrat candidate. But back then we didn't know that brilliant Obama could not speak intelligently without his staff prepared cue cards. Back then we didn't know that he opposed any increase in safe, clean, cheap energy sources (long proven nuclear, wind, solar and clean coal). Back then we didn't know that he would propose the biggest tax increase ever in the US! Back then some of us thought that he was the same as most USA negros, but he is NOT, and he has become a total insult to our great successful negros in the USA. Back then we didn't know that he was both against the Iraq war and for it, both against battles in Afganistan and for it, and wants to greatly increase number of our troops in Afganistan (the most dangerous place on earth). He is totally for WAR and totally against war, totally for outrageous taxes and totally against taxes, totally for 100% control of all medical care, and totally oppossed to government control of health care.

It is absolutely clear that Obama is totally for and totally against every issue which Americans are concerned with. IE, he is the ultimate politician, as his Church Pastor long ago told us!

Honesty, practicallity, need, usefulness, has nothing to do with Obama. Clearly, Obama is trying to steal from Clinton the title of the world's best LIAR! Hillary tried that, but Obama beat her out for that title.

We must encourage Hillary to take the nomination away from misleading Obama, and give the nation a chance for a fair election. It can happen, and if it doesn't, we are in for a "Hollywood style" president!

Jack Stephenson



Ron Tunning said...

Please click on the banner at the top of the page to go to the blog's main page on which will be posted letters in response to Mr. Stephenson.

And feel free to comment!

Anonymous said...

This is the letter I just sent in to the Citizen and Daily Sun:

To the editors,

I know that most read Mr. Stephenson's letter of the other day and dismissed him as an oddball or was offended by his inappropriate language.

For me, I want to thank him for it. It gave me the perfect opportunity to reflect on why I chose to be in public life. There is nothing about my life story that is special but it does remind me how alive the American Dream is today.

When I was three, because my Dad was looking for work, my young parents and I packed up and left New Hampshire for Detroit, Michigan We happened to find an apartment in an area where my school, my church and my neighborhood were all integrated. Skin color meant nothing to me in nursery school, kindegarten, first grade, the playground or in Sunday school.

We returned the summer of 1966 and in second grade I learned of Abe Lincoln, slavery and the Civil War. I was stunned and horrified to learn that my former friends' great grandparents were slaves. Lincoln's childhood of poverty, commitment to justice and willingness to put his values into action inspired me to find a way to make a difference too. In the next election, just months after the assassination of Dr. King and Sen. Kennedy, I organized my friends to help with Democratic candidates and I haven't stopped since.

This week I, just a kid from a poor family without any ties to power or wealth, will travel to Denver, Colorado to lead New Hampshire's delegation to the 2008 Democratic National Convention where, forty five years to the exact date of Dr. King's "I have a Dream" speech, Senator Barack Obama will be nominated to be the next president of the United States.

Forty five years ago when Dr. King said "let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire" little did he know that a little boy of a Kansan mother and Kenyan dad would grow up and mark his historic anniversary with such a significant history making occurrence. Nor did he know of the young poor kid from NH who would grow up to join 80,000 other proud Americans to witness the event or the estimated billion across the planet witness his dream come true.

When Dr. King dreamed of a day where people were judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. He was dreaming of 2008 America. Dr. King's Dream is truly the American Dream. A dream for all Americans and for all members of the human race.

I am sure Mr. Stephenson wanted to inspire animosity and divide but for me, he reminded me of how lucky, and how proud I am to be an American. Let freedom ring indeed.

Raymond Buckley, State Chair
NH Democratic Party